Levity + Gmail

Connect Levity to your Gmail account and say goodbye to your email chaos.
Get started for free

A range of templates to automate your email management with ease

Gmail logoClassification iconExtraction iconGeneration icon
To convert customers faster than your competitors
Label outbound email replies by interest, extract lead’s information, and generate a draft reply.
Gmail logoSummarize IconGeneration icon
To build lasting customer relationships
Summarize customer support emails into key points and generate a draft reply.
Gmail logoClassification icon
To maintain an organized and productive inbox
Label new emails by custom topic such as spam, service request, invoice, partnerships, and more.

Or build your own

AI tools for every Gmail workflow

Mix and match a set of AI capabilities to build email automations tailored to your needs.

Extract text icon
Extract Data
Instantly pull out essential information from your emails and log it into your tools to generate key insights.
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Generate text icon
Generate Replies
Automatically draft engaging replies to your emails so you don’t have to start from scratch.
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Summarize text icon
Summarize Text
Quickly categorize your emails into different labels to sort and prioritize your daily conversations.
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classify text icon
Classify  Text
Effortlessly condense lengthy email threads into concise, easy-to-digest summaries to save precious time.
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Lightning icon
Simple and fast setup
Create email AI workflows in minutes, all without a single line of code.
Clock icon
Cut down time and effort
Increase productivity across all teams by automating your manual email operations.
Lightbulb icon
Aggregate valuable insights
Drive pattern and sentiment analysis to make better customer-focused decisions.

About Gmail

Gmail is a comprehensive email service provider known for its robust spam filters and seamless integration with Google's suite of productivity tools. Its user-friendly interface, generous storage capacity, and real-time collaboration capabilities set it apart in the realm of email providers.

Add AI to your inbox

Achieve more with less effort

Harness the power of AI automation and forget about repetitive admin work.

Power up your workflow now