Peltarion shuts down on Sep 30, 2022.

Switch to Levity
before it's too late!

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Great use cases for the Levity platform

Levity takes a more focused approach to use cases than Peltarion did. If you used Peltarion for any of the following use cases, Levity will likely make a great fit!

Got a good use case for Levity?

Unlikely use cases for the Levity platform

Peltarion provided a highly fragmented set of use case types that Levity currently does not offer. If you have been using Peltarion for any of the following use cases, Levity might not be a great fit, but we'd still love to help you find out!

Text similarity
Determining how similar two texts are to each other.
Image similarity
Determining how similar two images are to each other.
Image segmentation
Identifying areas of interest on a photo and highlighting those.
Image regression
Predicting a value or a probability with image regression.
Tabular data classification
Classifying a row of data based on various inputs. Depending on the use case, Levity can be a good fit for this use case.
Tabular data regression
Use numbers and categories to make predictions about continuous outcomes with tabular data regression

Giving superpowers to normal people.

Easy to use, even without a Computer Science PhD. Promise.

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Play button
Define your workflow
Connect a data source, choose your AI Block, and define the actions to take.
Floppy disk
Upload training data
Feed your custom model with some initial data via drag & drop.
Train your custom AI
The machine automatically learns from your data with a simple click of a button.
Model training screen
Floppy disk
Let the model improve itself
Your AI will ask for input when unsure and automatically learns from them.
Illustration of human-in-the-loop process


You have come a long a way to get here and you might have some questions.

Say goodbye to repetitive manual workflows